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Hello, this is the blog of Extreme/EOC! :) We are awesome youths on fire for our awesome God. Enjoy your stay, leave if you're unhappy, and remember to tag! :D

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Daddy G


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Done by Sabrina; image done in Adobe Photoshop CS4
Basecodes/inspiration: doughnutcrazy
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Posted by Anonymous
On Thursday, November 26, 2009 at 10:04 AM

This is my first post ever, so i hope it will bless someone :D I guess only Lionel and i went for the healing service,so im posting my notes so everyone can see what they missed XD. By the way the notes are very short because most of the service was worship and healing.

Healing service 25 nov

Proverbs 17 22-A cheerful heart is good medicine,
  but a crushed spirit dries up the bones

Listening of the gospel is the greatest investment

Healing is God's will for you

Read the bible relating it to Jesus

Jesus is the exact representation of God

Matthew 12 15-GREAT MULTITUDES followed him, and he healed ALL their sick

ALL of the people were sinners

Yet Jesus healed them ALL

There is bodily atonement in Jesus' finished work

Healing is a grace GIFT to be received FREELY

Galations 3 5-Does God give you his Spirit and work miracles among you because you observe the law, or because you believe what you heard?( rhetorical question )

God's healing cannot be earned, but received.

It is FREELY RECEIVED by GRACE through Faith 

It is the Father's GOOD PLEASURE to give to you


Galations 5 4-You who are trying to be justified by law have been alienated from Christ; you have fallen away from grace

You cannot earn, you can only receive

Sin cannot stop your heaing

Condemnation does

Mark 11 23-I tell you the truth, if anyone says to this mountain, 'Go, throw yourself into the sea,' and does not doubt in his heart but believes that what he says will happen, it will be done for him

doubt = diakrino

diakrino = by means of condemnation

does not have condemnation in his heart

Jesus did not come to condemn but to save

there is no unforgiven sin in your life

God will not withhold healing from you

So thats the end of the post, hope someone gets blessed :)

And BE HEALED !!!!


PS. Awesome song Lionel 

In Christ Alone..
Posted by Jesus' Lionel =)
On Tuesday, November 24, 2009 at 10:25 PM
Hey guys. Check out this song. Its really good.


Posted by Szeling
On Sunday, November 22, 2009 at 12:43 AM
Okay it's really late already and I should be sleeping, but my hair is damp and I'm still a bit bored so... whoo, I'll just post the notes I wrote down from today's sermon down for everyone (who actually reads this blog) to read! :D:D:D:D:D -really bored-

Oh yes do you know how wondrous Salonpas is! Zomg it's some big rectangle plaster-thing that you paste on an area (like your back) that is in pain and then there's heat (A LOT OF HEAT!) and then no more pain! Ahhhh. Must've stretched myself too vigorously today, HAHAHAHA. EXTENDED PRAISE & WORSHIP FTW BB. :D:D:D:D

NB: Salonpas is truly a gift from God wahahahaha. Actually everything is, but nevermind. :D:D:D

SO! I'll just type whatever's in my notebook. o: Might not link together because I also wrote down stuff that Pastor said, and yadda yadda. Whoooooo.

God knows the potential inside of me, thus He unleashes His grace into my life to unleash that potential. WE ARE DESTINED TO REIGN! WHOO! :D

Christianity is not about DOING, but about what He has DONE for us. :) It is not a RELIGION, but a RELATIONSHIP with Him! :D:D:D

And the one thing that stops grace from flowing into our life is religion/legalism. The opposition Jesus faced in His life was not the wayward people (sinners, prostitutes, tax collectors, etc) but the religious leaders and the legalistic, I-am-mightier-than-you people (like the Pharisees).

(Somewhere in the middle... out comes a) Correction is always out of love! (I don't know how that got there, or what that has to do with the legalism thing. Anywhoos. Good to know. :D:D:D)

In Luke 15, Jesus shared the parable of the prodigal son NOT for the sinners in the crowd (although it does portray how Abba Daddy still loves us although we sin), but for the religious leaders (portrayed by the elder brother).

If you want something before its season or before the time is right to receive, you will simply waste it away. (Like the younger brother wanting his inheritance before his father had even passed on.) That is why God doesn't always answer all your prayers instantly, but instead only when the time is right for you to receive.

Do not build your self-esteem/identity on what YOU do, but on WHO your Father is, and what HE has done for you! Don't be like the elder brother, complaining that you have toiled so hard for naught - instead, see that you are ALWAYS with God, and that what He has is also yours!
The son said to him, 'Father, I have sinned against heaven and against you. I am no longer worthy to be called your son.'
- Luke 15:21
Know that you are always heard by God. Have the identity that you are His beloved child in Christ, and that you can always call Him FATHER!
But the father said to his servants, 'Quick! Bring the best robe and put it on him. Put a ring on his finger and sandals on his feet.
- Luke 15:22
When you let God into your life, you are clothed with the robe of righteousness ("best robe"). He provides for your every need (the "ring" speaks of authority and provision), and protects you from whatever bad that comes your way, by putting "sandals on (your) feet", because only the SONS have sandals on their feet. :D

God is your identity and your provision~!

The Christian life is not about RIGHT and WRONG, it's about DEATH and LIFE. When God enters your life, He breathes His life into you - the God kind of life! :D And there is music, dancing and merry-making in the House of God!


Religion makes you a very angry person, because it makes you always wants to justify yourself and your actions. But Christianity is a relationship with God, and not a religion! :) He pours His super-abounding grace and favour into our lives because He knows we NEED it. 8D

Whoo, to end off this post: I can't help but do RIGHTEOUS works for I am the righteousness of God in Christ! :)

Sabrina :D:D:D:D